£205.80 (Ex VAT)

Contents of the Acid Spill Kit 16 Litres include:

  • 8 x 1kg ACX acid neutraliser
  • 3 x chemical absorbent socks
  • 20 x chemical absorbent pads
  • Dustpan and brush
  • 3 x yellow waste disposal bags and ties
  • 4 x litmus papers
  • Nitrile rubber gloves
  • Splash resistant goggles
  • Instructions and contents list
  • Supplied in a yellow PVC cube bag
SKU: FL-204-015 ACID SPILL KIT 16LTR Category: Tags: , ,


Acid Spill Kit 16 litre is designed for the clean-up, containment and neutralisation of a small acid spill.

The  VYTAC ACX powder quickly and efficiently neutralizes concentrated acid spills. The neutralization reaction generates harmless gases. The residue is environmentally harmless and easily disposed of. For maximum safety, ACX contains a highly visible indicator system that will
show when the spill is completely neutralized.

Easy to use, colour change on application indicates neutralisation is complete. After neutralisation, residues of acids are environmentally benign and can be disposed of as general waste.

Complies fully with BS EN ISO 9001:2015 standards.

One kilogram of VYTAC ACX will neutralize approximately:

500 ml of sulphuric acid 96 %
580 ml of hydrofluoric acid 52%
670 ml of phosphoric acid 85 %
950 ml of nitric acid 70 %
1000 ml of acetic acid 92+%
1400 ml of hydrochloric acid 32 %
2000 ml of battery acid (sulphuric acid 30%)
4000 ml of hydrofluoricsilicic acid 24%

APPEARANCE Pink, dust-free powder
TOXICITY Mildly alkaline
pH ( 5% solution ) 11 – 11.5

VYTAC ACX Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

VYTAC ACX Instructions