Chemical Absorbent Boom

£93.95£142.79 (Ex VAT)

Chemical Absorbent Boom Made From Polypropylene That Absorbs Aqueous Chemicals and water. Buy Direct from Spill Kits Direct.


Size and capacity:
Pack weight
502/02021Yellow20 cm x 4 m120 - 160221
502/02022Yellow12.5 cm x 3 m80 - 125415.8
502/02023Yellow12.5 cm x 4 m81 - 140421.2
502/02024Yellow20 cm x 3 m89 - 120215.8
Pack description:
  • Our Direct Booms are made using traditional tie joins which can be used to make up any length.
  • Weight ensures that Direct Booms will not lift in bad weather conditions.
  • Use to contain or control any spill; Place around at-risk outlets to contain spill at source; Place around industrial water coolant inlets as a preventative measure against contamination.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Absorbent type

Chemical Absorbents

Product type


Data Sheet

Spill Kits Direct Data Sheet – Direct Chemical Boom – 502-02021 502-02022 502-02023 502-5024

Compatibility data and advice

Spill Kits Direct – Sorbent compatibility chart

Spill Kits Direct – Oxidising Agents Advice Sheet